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Terms and Conditions




How to make a Booking:


Please make your application through the online booking system or by downloading and completing our School Application Form. We will return to you by email within 24 (working) hours to acknowledge your booking. You will receive a Booking Confirmation & Invoice with payment instructions. All fees are invoiced in Euro Currency. A Registration Fee of €75.00 applies to all bookings. An Accommodation Administration Fee of €75.00 applies to apartments, university/school residence, hotel/guest house.  The Accommodation Administration Fee DOES NOT apply to host family accommodation.  All applications received through the online booking system are accepted subject to availability and subject to confirmation.


Fees payment:


On receipt of your Booking Confirmation & Invoice you should make a deposit payment of €200.  The remaining balance of your fees payment must be received by English for Lawyers at least 4 weeks before your arrival. If you are booking less than 4 weeks before arrival, full payment will be required immediately. Englishforlawyers reserves the right to cancel course and accommodation bookings where we have not received the full payment within the specified time frame.


Tuition Fees Cancellation Policy:


 Cancellation x Days Before Commencement

 Tuition Fees to be Refunded

  15+ days before                                                          Full tuition fees refunded

  14 to 8 days before                                                    Full tuition fees refunded , subject to a minimum     charge of €200

  7 to 4 days before                                                      70% of tuition fees refunded, subject to a minimum   charge of €200

  3 to 1 days before                                                       20% of tuition fees refunded, subject to a minimum   charge of €200

  On start date or thereafter                                      No refund is possible



 If you want to postpone a course, you must do so in writing. You may postpone on the following conditions:

  • you must pay the full course fees by the original starting date of the course booked, and

  • you must take the postponed course within 3 months of the original starting date.

If you postpone a booking, we will give you a credit towards the postponed booking as follows:

  • 6 working days’ notice or more before the course begins: 100% credit of course fees paid

  • less than 6 working days’ notice before the course begins: 50% credit of course fees paid.

A postponed booking cannot be postponed again or cancelled.  

If you postpone Individual Tuition (including combination courses) with less than 3 working days’ notice, you will not receive any credit of your fees.

Please note that it is your responsibility to arrange suitable insurance to avoid losing fees in the event of unavoidable cancellation or postponement.
Note that our terms apply even in the case of unforseeable ‘force majeure’ events, which may not be covered by insurance.




Payment methods:



Make a Payment: All major credit and debit cards

Please use our Secure On-line Payment Page. A bank charge of 2.45% (based on total amount) will apply.  You can avoid / reduce bank charges by making a Bank Transfer. Bank Transfers within the EU do not incur bank charges.

Make a Payment: International Bank Transfer

Please make payment to our business account: Bank details will be forwarded upon receipt of booking application.

Please ensure that the student name appears on the bank transfer payment details. Bank transfers within the EU do not incur bank charges. If you are making a bank transfer from outside of the EU please add €15.00 to the payment to cover the bank charges.

Emergency Contact:

In case of any emergency, you should contact us at the following number: OR +353876974276  (Mon to Fri, 08.30 to 17.30)   (Also out of office hours)


Class Attendance Policy:

Discipline & Expulsion:
Englishforlawyers reserve the right to terminate services in the following circumstances: Non-payment of fees, anti-social behaviour, bullying or violence towards any other person, abuse of drugs or alcohol, damage to property, reported shoplifting offence or any other infringement of Irish law. Englishforlawyers will not accept responsibility for any loss or additional expense incurred by the student in relation to the termination of services. Englishforlawyers will not refund remaining fees where a student is expelled from the school. Students are legally and financially responsible for any damage or injury they may cause to buildings, furniture, fittings, individuals’ or host family property, etc.


Complaints Policy:


Englishforlawyers endeavour to provide a high quality service and a safe, supportive atmosphere for all staff and students. However, we do appreciate that from time to time differences may arise. Where a student wishes to make a complaint about a teacher or speak about a problem with their course, it is best to discuss these issues in person with the Director of Studies. He may be contacted at the school reception office Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 16.30 or by email

Englishforlawyyers management are also available during school opening hours and can be contacted by email All students complete a feedback questionnaire on at least on two occasions during their stay. The opinions expressed in the feedback questionnaires are then acted on by English for Lawyers management to improve the quality of our service. English for Lawyers staff will strive to resolve a difficulty or a complaint within a timely manner i.e. within 48 hours of receipt of the complaint.


Public Holidays:

The school is closed on public holidays (Bank Holidays). There is no replacement of lessons missed because of a public holiday. The starting day for all courses is normally Monday. When Public holidays occur on a Monday, then the starting day for all courses will be Tuesday.


Other Important Points:

The School operates from serviced offices nearby and additional premises during peak periods. Englishforlawyers does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property while on school premises or while in school provided accommodation. All students are strongly advised to have their own appropriate Accident, Medical and Personal Insurance to cover theft/loss of personal items, money, emergency medical treatment & travel expenses. English for lawyers reserve the right to change, without notice the contents, dates, times, locations or any other details of course (s) brought about by political events, natural disasters, weather or any other events considered by the school to be pertinent.  The right is also reserved to decline any person at any time without liability. Englishforlawyers gives notice that all arrangements for transport, activities or for accommodation are made by Englishforlawyers as an agent upon the express condition that they shall not be liable for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of any defect in any vehicle or through the acts of default of any company or persons engaged in conveying the passenger, or in carrying out the arrangements of the programmes, or otherwise in connection therewith or of any family member.  No responsibility is accepted for losses or additional expenses incurred due to delays or changes in air, sea, rail, bus or other services, student illness, closure of the school due to weather events, war, quarantine or other liability.

General Conditions:

Students must give advance notice to the school of any special dietary requirements, medical conditions or physical /mental disorders. Englishforlawyers reserve the right to terminate services where (in the opinion of the management of the school) the continued provision of that service would be unsafe or unsuitable. All students should have their own appropriate Accident, Medical and Personal Insurance to cover living costs, medical bills & repatriation expenses. These costs are the sole responsibility of the student. All refunds are at the discretion of the directors of the school and may not always be possible. The school will not compensate for tuition time lost due to student illness.

Photography and Film Material

Englishforlawyers can freely use all photography, film and sound material created by the school and or Englishforlawyers staff during the programme which contains the student, without asking further approval from the student.  The student also accepts that Englishforlawyers can freely use photography, film and sound material that the student has submitted to social networks, such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

  • Written notice must be received in writing to and applies from the date the cancellation is received by Englishforlawyers. Application for a refund will be dealt with in a timely manner, normally within 20 working days of receipt of the request.  Enquiries should be addressed to the Director of Studies.

  • Students applying for a Study Visa, must refer to the student refund policy as listed below: Visa Application & Visa Refusal

  • Course changes requested within 7 days of the commencement date are subject to availability.

  • No refund of fees is available where a course change is taken to a less intensive course, that is for example, a request to change from English for Lawyers pro to English for lawyers standard Course.

  • Students requesting a change from group courses to private individual tuition will be required to pay the full cost of the private lessons. No transfer of course value is available. Course value cannot be transferred from one student to another student.

  • Examination fees are not included in tuition. Exam fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable in the event of a cancellation.

Accommodation Fees Conditions & Cancellation Policy:
  • Accommodation fees are non-refundable except in the case of host family.

  • At least 4 weeks’ written notice is required to cancel host family accommodation. The balance of any Host Family Accommodation fees will be refunded.

  • In the case of apartment, university residence or school residence no refund is possible.

  • In the case of Hotel, Guest-house or B&B accommodation, refunds will be at the discretion of the directors of the school and may not always be possible.

  • It is not possible to provide Host Family Accommodation over the Christmas and New Year holiday (2-week holiday period).

  • We guarantee there will be no more than one nationality per host family (unless otherwise agreed with student)

  • We do not control nationality mix at apartments, residences and other student self-catering accommodations.

  • ​

Accommodation Extension Requests:

If you would like to extend your accommodation dates (i.e. to stay longer than originally booked), it is first necessary to speak with the accommodation office to check for availability. Accommodation extensions cannot always be guaranteed; we therefore recommend that you speak with the accommodation manager as early as possible. This point is especially important where students wish to extend accommodation bookings during the Summer Season or remain with the host family for an extended period. It is not possible to provide Host Family Accommodation over the Christmas and New Year holiday (2-week period).


Visa Applications and Visa Refusals (Work & Study):

Students from outside the European Economic Area, may be required to obtain a visa to enter Ireland. At least 6 weeks are needed to process visa applications. Cancellations are not permitted after the visa supporting documentation has been issued by the school. Students who fail to obtain their visas will be refunded all fees paid, less a school processing fee of €200 euro. Written proof of the visa refusal must be supplied to the School by email Fees will be returned within 20 working days of the visa refusal being received and verified by Englishforlawyers. Students from outside the EEA Area attending Long Stay Courses (staying in Ireland longer than 90 days) must comply with additional regulations. Information for Academic Year Students (Students from outside Europe, registered for 8 months with permission to work)



Terms and conditions are updated each year during December and apply for the following 12 months. Where a student continues their study period from one calendar year into the next, the updated terms will apply from the 1st January in the new year.  In the event that new government legislation or amendments to existing Irish legislation, contradict these terms, then the new legislation must immediately take precedence. Agents and service providers working on behalf of English for lawyers will be deemed to have agreed to all terms and conditions without variation. This agreement is bound to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Law Courts.

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